Signs 10, 11 and 12 - The final dance of discipline, detachment and grace
Rasis and Signs Essay 2 Fiona Marques Rasis and Signs Essay 2 Fiona Marques

Signs 10, 11 and 12 - The final dance of discipline, detachment and grace

To close the evolution of the Zodiac, we need to wander through two signs ruled by Saturn – Capricorn and Aquarius, to finally arrive at the receptive polarity of Jupiter in Pisces. If we have not learned this up until now through the school of the Zodiac, Saturn gives us the final opportunity for discipline AND detachment, so that we can be finally immersed in the grace of Jupiter, attaining moksha.

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Ayana Bala, Chesta Bala and Drig Bala of Jupiter
Shadbala Essay 1 Fiona Marques Shadbala Essay 1 Fiona Marques

Ayana Bala, Chesta Bala and Drig Bala of Jupiter

How do you measure the strength of Jupiter in a Vedic Astrology chart? This blog post introduces three types of bala, or planetary strength, that are specific to Jupiter: ayana bala, chestha bala, and drig bala. You will learn how these balas are calculated, what they mean, and how they affect the results of Jupiter in your chart. You will also learn how to use these balas to improve your interpretation and prediction skills. This blog post will help you understand the importance and nuances of Jupiter’s strength and influence in Vedic Astrology.

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