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- Debilitated Venus
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- Princess Diana
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- Megxit
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- Starved Jupiter
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Retrograde in modern and Vedic Astrology
How is Retrograde treated differently in Vedic Astrology? (including a discussion of Chesta Bala)

11th House in Vedic and Traditional Astrology
Does the 11th House accidentally get a bad wrap in Vedic Astrology? Covering ... Trishadaya houses, Cadent houses / Dustana / Apoklima, Raja Yogas, Functional benefics / functional malefics, How the 11th House breaks Raja Yogas, Kamatrikona - gains, friends, Perso-Arab perspective, 3-6-11 Raja Yoga breakers, Hellenistic Astrology - names of houses, Jupiter and 11th, Sabotage good luck

The Sun and Saturn in Vedic and Traditional Astrology
The Sun and Saturn are mortal enemies right?!? In Vedic Astrology their animosity is emphasised but is this the case in other traditional astrologies? Find out in this week’s episode of “Fiona and Fernando’s fireside myth-busting”!

The Tenth House and the Fourth House in Vedic and Traditional Astrology
In this episode, we explore whether the 4th House or the 10th House is a better representation of father, mother, land, property, inheritance and patriarchy …

Sidereal and Tropical with Fernando
Did you know that Babylonian Astrology uses Sidereal, some Western Astrologers use Sidereal and that there is not 'one' Sidereal - but many!?!

Fiona and Fernando's fireside chats (part 5)
Part 5 "Being vs Becoming"
In this episode, we touch on the Perrenial School of Philosophy, cover the revolutions separating the kings from the popes, then the merchants from the kings and then the people from the merchants, Venus starving Jupiter and how to use this model to work with clients.

Fiona and Fernando's fireside chats (part 4)
Part 4 - "The Fire and the Pedestal"
In this episode, we discuss the concept of "The Fire and the Pedestal". We touch on the Perrenial School of Philosophy, how to seek "The Fire" (original sources, own experience, study astronomy), 3rd house vs 9th house and critical thinking with Mercury and other planets.

Fiona and Fernando's fireside chats (part 3)
Part 3 - Is Vedic Astrology traditional astrology?

Fiona and Fernando's fireside chats (part 2)
Part 2 -In this episode, we discuss how Vedic astrology fits into the world of Hellenistic astrology, Perso-Arabic astrology, Medieval and Renaissance astrology AND we introduce the concepts of "Praising the Fire" and "Being vs becoming" (that will be explored in coming videos)

Fiona and Fernando's fireside chats (part 1)
Part 1 -In this episode, we discuss our pathways into Vedic Astrology and how Fernando journey has broadened to include tropical astrology, Hellenistic astrology, Perso-Arabic astrology, Medieval and Renaissance astrology.
Have you ever come across Lajjitaadi Avashtas or challenging combinations in your birth chart? Maybe you've seen something on YouTube, or perhaps you've had a session with an astrologer who pointed out a complicated aspect in your chart. You might be feeling overwhelmed, unsure of how to unpack the information, or what it means for your life. More importantly, you might be wondering what you can do to improve your experience here in the world.
Fiona Marques introduces a new group called Redemption Arc Detectives to her patrons on Patreon, aimed at individuals struggling with complex astrological placements like Lajjitaadi Avashtas or difficult conjunctions in their birth charts. The group investigates these placements, seeks remedies, and shares experiences for mutual learning and support. The group emphasizes respectful communication. Fiona draws inspiration from the Hero's Journey and explores the concept of redemption arcs in astrology. The initiative supports individuals in transforming their perceived difficult placements into opportunities for growth. To join, visit