- Newsletter
- Saturn
- AstroliJam
- Prince Harry
- Jupiter
- Meghan Markle
- Lajjitaadi Avasthas
- Extended Essay 2
- Extended Essay 1
- Mars
- The Moon
- Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship
- Life Coaching
- Astrology and Parenting
- Debilitated Jupiter
- Hellenistic Astrology
- Exalted Saturn
- Ketu
- Study Hall
- The Sun
- Perso-Arabic Astrology
- Venus
- 11th House
- Aquarius
- Capricorn
- Debilitated Mars
- Meditation
- Pain
- Sidereal Astrology
- Suffering
- Tropical Astrology
- 10th House
- 4th House
- Change
- Children
- Death of Princess Diana
- Debilitated Venus
- Debilitation
- Medieval Astrology
- Princess Diana
- Rahu
- Renaissance Astrology
- 5th House
- Drik bala
- Mars starved by Mercury
- Megxit
- Mercury
- Sagittarius
- Starved Jupiter
- Taurus

Newsletter - Full Moon Equinox - 24 Sept 2021
Today's Newsletter touches on the Harvest Moon, drik bala (drig bala), Jupiter debilitated in Capricorn, Novak Djokovic, the US Open, AstroliJam and MBTI - what more could you want!?!

Prince Harry 3rd House - Analysis of a chart by house
Let’s examine how Pisces, Saturn and third lord (Jupiter) debilitation in Capricorn have created a challenging 3rd House for Prince Harry and how he has successfully worked with this tough combination.

Friday Five with Fiona - Newsletter
This week - Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, a tool for testing truth and ending fake news, a vision for collective goodness, Patanjali and the 8 limbs of Yoga and my Vedic Art!

Prince Harry 1st House - Analysis of a chart by house
In this video, I examine the indicators that relate to the first house of Prince Harry's Chart. You will be able to see how all the indicators that are taught in the Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship Program come together to describe the karma the person will experience. In this case, those indicators relate to Capricorn, Saturn and Jupiter.
If you would like to learn to read a chart like this, you can sign up for the whole Apprenticeship Course with bonus material on now!

Harry - Conclusion
Why did Prince Harry need a wife and a child to break free of an institution and pursue his own path? In the conclusion to this series we will examine the astrological factors that held him back across multiple houses and signs.

Harry - 12th House
How does a debilitated Jupiter, starved by Mercury predispose someone to feel cheated and to believe in conspiracy theories? Find out how the tragic death of his mother has played into Mercury’s starvation of Jupiter’s natural good faith.

Harry - 3rd House
See how the strain of a debilitated 3rd Lord Jupiter, ruling personal ambitions, located in the 1st house of life path has created difficulties for Prince Harry, led to Megxit and created the Invictus Games!
Could this be the end of Fake News?
The last time Jupiter and Saturn were in Capricorn was in 1960 and the time before that, in 1901. The next time it happens will be 2079. That likely won’t be in my lifetime, so this is a great opportunity to take the most from this placement.
And what is the benefit of having our hope tested by the material realities of Capricorn and Saturn? One thing that springs to mind is strengthening our hope with realism. As a life coach, I’m all for positive thinking and ‘reframing’ one’s perceptions to experience a ‘growth mindset’. But this practice is effective only when it is based in reality.

Are you losing hope in 2020?
Jupiter is DEBILITATED in Capricorn. And, it was blindsided by an eclipse on December 26, 2019 involving itself, Moon, Sun and Ketu. And, as if that wasn’t enough, Saturn has been keeping Jupiter company in Capricorn (pretty much) the entire time! Jupiter and Saturn are normally ‘neutral’ to each other (in terms of natural friendships), but, as laid out in the Lajjitaadi Avastas - any planet conjunct Saturn is ‘starved’.
So why is this eclipsed, starved, debilitated Jupiter affecting our hope?
Have you ever come across Lajjitaadi Avashtas or challenging combinations in your birth chart? Maybe you've seen something on YouTube, or perhaps you've had a session with an astrologer who pointed out a complicated aspect in your chart. You might be feeling overwhelmed, unsure of how to unpack the information, or what it means for your life. More importantly, you might be wondering what you can do to improve your experience here in the world.
Fiona Marques introduces a new group called Redemption Arc Detectives to her patrons on Patreon, aimed at individuals struggling with complex astrological placements like Lajjitaadi Avashtas or difficult conjunctions in their birth charts. The group investigates these placements, seeks remedies, and shares experiences for mutual learning and support. The group emphasizes respectful communication. Fiona draws inspiration from the Hero's Journey and explores the concept of redemption arcs in astrology. The initiative supports individuals in transforming their perceived difficult placements into opportunities for growth. To join, visit