6-7-8 and the Continuous Cosmic Wave of the Divine
Are you interested in learning Vedic Astrology from an experienced teacher? Do you want to deepen your understanding of the ancient wisdom of the stars and planets? If so, you might want to check out the Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship Program, a two-year online course that covers all the essential topics of this fascinating discipline.
The Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship Program is offered on the teachable.com platform, where you can access the lectures, exercises, quizzes, and assignments at your own pace. You will learn about the fundamentals of Vedic Astrology, such as the rasis, the signs, the houses, the planets, the vargas, the dashas, the yogas, and more. You will also learn how to interpret charts, make predictions, and apply remedies.
If you are looking for even more rigour, you can also enrol in the Certification Pathway, a complementary program that allows you to submit your work for assessment at the end of each semester. There are nine semesters in total, and each one has a specific focus and theme. By completing the Certification Pathway, you will demonstrate your mastery of Vedic Astrology and earn an invitation to join the Practicum Year of supervised, applied Vedic Astrology. Successful completion of the Practicum Year will entitle you to Certification from Asheville Vedic Astrology and its associated benefits.
But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself the quality of the work produced by students on the program. Today’s blog post is a paper written by one of our apprentices at the end of the first semester, which covers the topic of the numerology embedded in rasis. (In this case Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius).
We hope you enjoy reading this paper and find it informative and insightful. If you are inspired by what you see and want to join our program, please visit the Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship Program on teachable.com or contact me for more information. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you on your journey of learning Vedic Astrology.
6-7-8 and the Continuous Cosmic Wave of the Divine by Tegan Rynne
Our evolution through the zodiac is in three sets of four, as noted by the cycling elements of each sign.
Continuous Cosmic Wave
(Inspiration + Materialisation + Experimentation = Fulfilment) x 3
1-4 knowledge of self
5-8 knowledge of other (external)
9-12 knowledge of greater consciousness
First of a set is the inspiration.
Second of a set is the material existence and concretising of the inspiration.
Third of a set is the trial of our desires and ideas about the first.
And the fourth of a set is the fulfilment we have through coming to an understanding and place of completion and contentment with what we have learned and grown from through the set.
Sign 6
The sixth sign is the second part of the second set. It is the second earth sign, and the second stage of the souls evolution from 1 though 12 to be grounded in the material world. In the first instance, the resonance of the energy of sign two, as it follows sign one, supports sign one and manifests the resources needed to nourish the inspirations of sign one as it travels along the journey of life. This is remembered and reflected in sign six, as we travel this road again, spiralling onwards and upwards to the second dimension of material existence, interacting with our external environment. From the energy of the fifth sign, where we have discovered what is and isn’t aligned with our path, where we have made choices, and sacrifices to follow our dharma, we come to the sixth. It is here that we take the energy of the five, which has reflected upon and refined the initial spark of the one, and carry it forward into our daily lives, in the establishment of our habits and routines.
Like thread through fabric, we weave in and out of our material world creating patterns as we stitch together our lives.
Here in sign six, we begin the process of concretising our inspirations, and put into practice our commitment to the dharmic path of number 5. As we do this we meet the outside world, catching glimmers of what it means to have a material experience- the cosmic caper between ourselves and our environment. We carry with us the fire of inspiration as it continues to burn inside us from number 5, our spark of the divine, lighting our eyes, shining on our path. Through this we navigate our external world, and through this we see and experience our environment. What we see on our path is inherently a reflection of the degree to which we are committed to follow our inspirations, and the light that colours the world around us parallels our inner experience of knowing and living our legacy.
The strength of sign six is the daily commitment we have to our goals, as we learn that we cannot traverse mountains in one day, and to build our legacy we must be committed through every moment to our cosmic and dharmic journey. A strong sixth energy knows this and commits to this, rooting itself in the routine, one foot in front of the other, creating a stable and sustainable field through which the fruits of our hard work can grow. The key element to this is intentionality. Our actions here must be purpose driven, we must maintain awareness and focus, stepping through life with skill, lest we slip or mis-step and fall, or wander aimlessly off our path- depleting our energy and wasting our resources.
The sixth sign is the place we practice mindfulness and presence, where we are truly a part of our experience, and where we learn how to be in the flow of life. It is here that our feet hit the ground of our karmic journey, and we walk hand in hand with sign five through cosmic space-time, each sign propelling the other forward, a feedback loop of inspiration and concretisation, launching our consciousness towards sign seven.
The evolution from sign one through sign six has ultimately been insular in nature, where we have discovered who we are, grown our resources and skills, found security, and built towards a future through the commitment we had to our path. In sign 5 and 6 we begin to understand that there is a life and an existence outside of ourselves, as seen through our environment. Sign seven is the fork in the road of our journey, and as teenage souls, it is here that we fall, tripped by our desires, into the arms and the ideas of the other.
Sign 7
As the third sign of the second set, sign seven is a space that encompasses the dynamic energy of the three, where we are honing our skills and ideas and learning how to exist in a material world, but does so in a field relating to others who are also doing the same thing. We are now exposed to the concepts and ideas of others, and this is the melting pot where souls who have been on their journey from 1 through 6 now collide. In this realm, we grapple with the nature of ‘I’ in the context of ‘we’, and the blending of these diverse energies. Like colours combined on a palette- do we create a new and beautiful hue, or does the pigment muddy once mixed?
We grasp on to the idea of the other, seeking fulfilment in their presence, and ultimately test the boundaries of who we are and who we have been so far in life. If we have been wandering aimlessly, wasting our energy, and acting out of step with our true nature, it is here that this is revealed in the eyes of the other, and we find ourselves stripped back from the concepts and ideals we have built and buffered around us as egoic protections. The value system that we have created through five and enacted through six, is now met and tested against the value systems of others. At it’s best, this is healthy compromise, and at it’s worst it is constriction, frustration, and destruction. The journey through this sees us letting go of what we have been, for the exchange of what we will be.
In a strong seven we understand that for anything new to emerge we must first see the death of the old, and it is here that the structures that once held us up, grow brittle and hold us back- as our evolution along our path hinges on our ability to move unencumbered by past beliefs, behaviours and habits. This is a pivoting point, and signifies the opening of our eyes to ourselves, as we begin to understand that what we have seen and experienced in the external world is a manifestation of our internal conscious. As Nietzsche says, ‘if you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you’, and thus it is here that we truly see ourselves, dark and light, reflected to us through our interactions and exchanges with the other.
When we finally realise that the patterns in the water are ripples made by our own feet, we begin the dance of consciousness.
Sign 8
Through our journey in sign seven we seemingly fall backwards into sign eight where we truly understand and internalise the interconnectedness of life, and see ourselves as part of something bigger than us. The symbol of 8 itself is the connection of two circles, which represents the joining of two things to become one, but also shows us the infinite nature of all and how inherently interconnected existence is.
Being the fourth sign of the second set, we are concerned here with the security and emotional fulfilment of the other as we know that ultimately by letting go of our individuality we are blending with the true nature of the all. We understand that our external environment is as much a part of our divine nature as our internal thoughts and inspirations, and we find security in the knowledge of the other as we see it as part of ourselves.
A strong 8th sign gifts us the capacity to see and know beyond what lays on the surface, it is the invisible current that binds us and sways us, together as one, and as we come to this realisation we move forward on our journey through the zodiac making way for our lessons in the final set. This is the place where we recognise that divinity is not only flowing within us, but around us and through us. The strength of sign 8 allows us to make peace with all that we are, our limitations and our successes, and to see that we are not isolated individuals living a separate existence.
By looking beyond the changing forms of material existence, we understand and experience life as a continuous cosmic wave of the divine.
Ryan Kurczak - Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship, Rasi and Signs class